If this is your 1st FAA exam you will require a computerized color vision test. PLEASE be come in 15 minutes before your appointment time to complete the color vision test. If you are requesting a Class 1 or 2 exam and do not pass the color vision test, we will onlyu be able to issue a class 3 certificate.
If you have a medical condition that may be disqualifying https://www.faa.gov/ame_guide/app_process/general/decision or a significant medical condition (check here for the list) or require medication that may be disqualifying: https://www.faa.gov/ame_guide/media/DNI_DNF_tables.pdf please review Sport Pilot Medical Requirements https://www.faa.gov/licenses_certificates/airmen_certification/sport_pilot prior to completing MedXpress. Email /text or Call Dr. Levin if you have any questions about a medical condition, or a medication, before completing your MedXpress application.
Please follow the link to MedXpress and complete the history portion of your exam prior to your appointment.
When you complete the history portion of the MedXpress form, you will be given a confirmation number.